Veneers Specialist

Dr. I Dental PC

Dentist located in Queens, Elmhurst, NY

If minor cosmetic defects like chipping, cracking, or discoloration have left you feeling less than confident about your smile, you should consider getting veneers. Emmanuil Ilyayev, DDS, at Dr. I Dental PC provides veneers to his patients in Elmhurst, Queens, in New York City, that want to improve their smile with a minimally invasive procedure. Get started on the journey to your dream smile today by scheduling an appointment with Dr. Ilyayev. You can book your visit by calling the office or making an appointment online.

Veneers Q & A

What are veneers?

Veneers are custom-designed shells made from tooth-colored materials. They’re permanently placed on the front side of your teeth to improve the appearance of your smile. They’re strong, durable, and feel and look just like a better version of your natural teeth.

What conditions can veneers treat?

Veneers address a wide range of cosmetic concerns, like:

  • Misshapen teeth
  • Worn, chipped, or cracked teeth
  • Smiles with large gaps
  • Discolored teeth that don’t respond to whitening treatments

Veneers can also serve non-cosmetic purposes, such as strengthening a cracked or weakened tooth.

Why should I get veneers?

Veneers are one of the most sought-after cosmetic dental procedures available today. They’re safe, cost-effective, minimally invasive, and offer a wide range of benefits for your smile. Veneers are:

  • Stain-resistant
  • Not irritating to your gums
  • Less expensive than other orthodontic work
  • Easy to keep clean

Veneers are one of the quickest and easiest ways to give you the Hollywood smile that you’ve always dreamed of.

How do I get veneers?

Dr. Ilyayev can install your veneers with only a few quick and easy visits to Dr. I Dental PC.

At your first visit, you and Dr. Ilyayev talk about your dental goals and design your dream smile, selecting a color and size for your veneers that best compliments your face and smile.

Next, Dr. Ilyayev prepares your teeth for the veneers by shaving off a very thin layer of enamel from the front-facing layer of your teeth. He then takes an impression of your teeth that he sends off to a lab, where your veneers will be custom-designed and fabricated to fit perfectly in your mouth and give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of. You’re sent home with a set of temporary veneers while you wait for your permanent ones to come back from the lab.

Once your permanent veneers are ready, you come back to Dr. I Dental PC to have them placed. Dr. Ilyayev puts them on your teeth one-by-one to ensure that the fit and color are correct. If both of you are happy with the fit and the appearance, he seals them to your teeth with permanent dental cement. You’ll leave his office with a perfect smile that’s ready for the big screen!

To learn more about how Dr. Ilyayev can improve your smile with veneers, or to get started towards your dream smile, schedule a free consultation today. You can call the office or book your visit online.


Affordable veneer option from veneer specialist