Dental implants using a surgical guide

Dental implant

Dental implant

A dental implant is a biocompatible titanium post that Dr. Ilyayev implants into your jaw bone. This titanium post will hold the tooth (implant). Dental implants are one of the most common ways to replace a missing tooth. In our office we place almost all of our dental implants guided. The picture below shows what a guide looks like.

Why do I need an implant?

After a tooth is extracted, there are certain changes that occur. Teeth start shifting. They tend to drift into the space where the tooth is missing. The teeth on the opposite arch will start to grow down, because there is nothing opposing the tooth. The bite can also change. A person can develop jaw issues. Bone starts to shrink if a tooth is extracted and not replaced by a dental implant. Chewing food becomes harder. Other teeth start compensating for the missing tooth, and due to wear and tear can develop issues as well. There are many other problems that occur from missing teeth. We highly recommend replacing the missing teeth with a dental implant.

How does the process work?

1) The initial visit is a consultation where Dr. Ilyayev will look through your medical history, and evaluate your jaw anatomy to see if you are a good candidate for a dental implant. Next step is to schedule a CT scan of the jaw to see if there is adequate bone to hold the implant. There needs to be specific width and height to the bone to hold the dental implant. After the CT scan, we take an impression of your teeth and fabricate a surgical guide. The guide is made using the CT scan, impression, and the latest technology for implant planning. After we have a guide we schedule for the implant placement.

2) During the implant placement we first place the guide on the teeth, make sure the fit is good. Then we place the dental implants through the guide. The guide angles the dental implant into perfect position and perfect depth in relation to the bone and surrounding teeth. After the implant is placed, we verify placement using an x-ray, and we place a healing cap on top of the dental implant.

3) We need to wait 3-4 months for the dental implant to integrate. After 3-4 months we can attach the tooth (crown) to the dental implant.

What are the benefits to using a guide for placing dental implants?

Patients love it when we place their dental implants using surgical guides. They report no pain during the procedure and no pain after the procedure. Traditionally we use to have to cut the gums and expose the bone to place the dental implant. Now we do not have to do that anymore. There is no cutting gums, very minimal (almost no) bleeding, no swelling post-op. Patients normal reaction after the procedure is "wow, I wish I knew about this sooner."

-No cutting gums

-No pain during procedure

-No swelling

-No discomfort

-Minimal bleeding

Is anyone eligible for dental implants?

During the consultation visit, we will have to review your medical history, and measure to see if we have enough bone to place the dental implant. Certain medical conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes, osteoporosis, fibrous dysplasia, history of radiation therapy can disqualify a patient form this procedure. Smoking, alcohol use, Sjogren's syndrome, dry mouth can also affect the dental implants.

We also need the bone to be a certain width and length to hold the dental implant for a long period of time.

Common questions?

How long will it last? There is no expiration date on the dental implants. It depends on a lot of factors such as patient's oral hygiene, if they get routine dental cleanings twice a year, and habits such as bruxism. Generally there is a high success rate with dental implants, especially when placed guided.

Does it hurt? Because the dental implants are placed guided, there is minimal post op pain. The cases that we have done usually report zero pain.

Can I work the next day? YES

What color will the tooth be? We restore our implant crowns using biocompatible zirconia , and me make them similar to the color of your own teeth. Zirconia crowns are very strong and esthetic. 

Dentistry is evolving rapidly, and technology keeps improving. We spend countless hours doing continuous education courses so we can offer you the best dentistry out there. The guides and dental implants we use are made using the latest technology. Dental implants will help you improve eating, you will be able to chew food better, preserve bone, have better esthetics and function. Dental implants will improve your overall quality of life.

Dr. Emmanuil Ilyayev Dr. Emmanuil Ilyayev Dr. Emmanuil Ilyayev is a graduate of New York University College of Dentistry. He did his residency at Woodhull hospital in Brooklyn. He is a third generation dentist, following the footsteps of his grandfather and uncle. Dr. Ilyayev is focused on preventative care and educating his patients. He is gentle and has amazing bedside manners. He is a licensed dentist in New York and Florida. He is a well-rounded dentist and is up to date with the current trends in dentistry. He is trained to offer a variety of services including changing silver fillings into white fillings safely using a rubber dam, bonding, biocompatible crowns (Caps), bridges, restore implants, Invisalign, complete smile makeovers, root canals, whitening, veneers, dentures, and deep cleanings. He specializes in Cosmetic Dentistry, General Dentistry, Dental Pain. His office is also a snoring center where he helps people put an end to snoring by providing state of the art mouth pieces resulting in increase in airway making it easier to breathe.

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